Monday, November 15, 2004

Top Five

An amusing diversion and perhaps a vain attempt to inject some contributions to this lonely blog.

Inspired by Nick Hornby, I wil offer here a list of top five songs in a given category. Your mission, should you likely choose to ignore it, will be to top my top five with five better tunes of your own. Judging will be arbitrary and obvious. Category definitions are strickly enforced (Sex does not mean love). Winner receives a shiny new donkey.

And now, with only this bit of further ado (and some more just 'cuz I like typing ado) is My All-Time, Top Five Best Songs About the Act of Sex:

5. I Have Been In You, Frank Zappa
4. Rock Steady, Aretha Franklin
3. Brown Sugar, The Rolling Stones
2. You Shook Me All Night Long, AC/DC
1. Sqeezebox, The Who


KHBirdman said...

How could you leave out:

Samantha Fox - "I Wanna Have Some Fun" or "Touch Me"

George Michael - "I Want Your Sex"

Right Said Fred - "I'm Too Sexy"

D. Bones said...

Um. Because those songs suck?

Anonymous said...

Screw Nick Hornby. I inspired this list during a IM conversation that was, um, a while ago, during which I inquired about the definition of a squeezebox.

My recommendation for number 6: Fat Bottomed Girls sung by none other then Mr. Fancypants Fag himself, Freddie Mercury. Great song and sexually ironic...can't beat it.