Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Pull The Trigger

I know high-minded, spiritual human beings should not hate other human beings. But when I look at this psychopathic killer and listen to his mumbly, paranoid ramblings, I hate him. I hate his obvious mental illness. I hate whatever evil drove him to lash out at phantom persecutors. I hate his blank expression. I hate his guts.

I also hate the incessant moralizing of media pundits. I hate those who blame the victims for not attacking their armed attacker. And those who advocate arming students in their classrooms. I hate those who defend some absurd right for anyone to obtain a handgun with only a cursory background check or none at all.

Mostly, I hate that we feel this need to blame someone, because the person most responsible didn't first put himself out of all of our misery.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i hate him as well.

i hate nbc for publishing his videos.

i hate that the world we live in is flowing with mean spirited assholes who derive enjoyment from picking on other people, sometimes relentlessly.