Monday, October 02, 2006

White and Nerdy

Weird Al Yonkovic is back. Actually, I'm pretty sure he's never gone away.


TPerl said...

In the middle of the video, he pays a "dealer" for a bootleg of the Star Wars Holiday Special.

Does that make us both nerdy for having seen it, or just my friend Dave who actually purchased the video and brought it over that day?

Dave was pretty excited about the purchase, now that I remember.

D. Bones said...

Oh, it's nerdy all right.

But nothing can take away from the joy of re-living those vague memories from 1978. The wookie family shenanigans. Art Carney and Bea Arthur in the cantina. And the best of all: Carrie Fischer singing the "Star Wars" theme with Christmas lyrics.

I bought it on DVD for Kevin at some bootleg store in the city. It's basically unwatchable.

But he was going to name his son Luke. And Ella is going to be Princess Leia for Halloween. So whose the nerd?

(By the way, check out "The Saga Begins" on that link to other Weird Al videos. It's not so much funny as it is a point-by-point plot summary of "The Phantom Menace" sung to the tune of "American Pie." Genius.)