Thursday, December 28, 2006

2006 Reasons To Move On

Ah, 2006. The Year of the Dog. The 100th anniversary of the birth of the guy who discovered Asperger's Syndrome and the 250th anniversary of the birth of Wolfgang Amadeus Motzart, the guy who inspired that song by Falco.

This year saw the beginning of the construction of the Freedom Tower at Ground Zero in Manhattan. It saw forceful anal sex enthusiast Kobe Bryant score 81 points in a game and 12 miners die in West Virginia.

Scientists predicted it will end as the third warmest year on record, behind 1998 and 2005.

Hamas won an election. Rick "frothy mixture" Santorum lost one.

"Crash" won the Best Picture Oscar for depicting the most obvious lessons in crashingly obvious ways. Someone allowed Robin Williams to continue making movies.

I think Michael McDonald won "American Idol."

There was a military coup in Thailand and Slobodon Milosovic died in his cell. Ariel Sharon left office in a coma, and Saddam Hussein was sentenced to death. As for the rest of his country, the jury is still out.

Americans argued about Iraq, immigration and equal rights for homosexuals. Sean Hannity continued to push for sane, tolerant attitudes and peace on Earth.

There were earthquakes in Greece and Indonesia, mudslides in the Philippines, tornados, floods, volcanic eruptions, stiff winds, and sunny days. There were bomb attacks in India and celebrity births in Namibia.

Vince Young just won games, Rutgers football rose from the ashes, Roger Federer failed to excite Americans with one of the best years ever, and a cheater won the Tour de France.

Planes crashed, a popular painting was stolen, and a stingray killed a crocodile hunter.

The U.S. population hit 300 million, and the only thing all but four of them knew about the World Cup was that the bald French guy headbutted the Italian guy.

Science magazine predicted 90% of maritime lifeforms would be extinct by 2048. The Democrats took over Congress.

Iran worked on nuclear devices and denied the Holocaust. North Korea set off a nuclear something or other. Wilson Pickett, Coretta Scott King and Byron Nelson died. Carson Daly continued to live.

I got a headache. Happy New Year.


KHBirdman said...

And the Jets are on the verge of the playoffs (knock on wood) !

JoeyScoops said...

Good look at the year, it kind of has that, how do you say, "JFK... blown away... What else do I have to say?" feel to it. Also, you're smart for not mentioning the tribulations of Peyton Manning's brother. It saved you from being added to the final paragraph of your post...