Thursday, August 24, 2006

Blogging For Dummies

Anyone can do it!

And just to prove that fact, I'm delighted to announce T-Perl and Arielle as new Rolling Bones guest bloggers. Because talking to each other through high-tech media makes a lot more sense than, you know, actual human contact.

I'm looking forward to what they have to say. And then to complain about how seldom they post.


TPerl said...

Thanks Dick Bones! I'm already hard at work on the first of many pointless rants which I'm sure nobody will read (or at least they'll wish they hadn't if they do).

As an example of the kind of frivolous whining I'll be authoring, I've already noticed that the Spell-checker on this site doesn't even recognize the word "Blog" - are you kidding?

One cool thing - my name is now a choice when I post a comment - I don't have to type it in anymore!

See - now aren't you sorry you read this?

D. Bones said...

Welcome to the blugging world, Perl. I look forward to your first blig.