Monday, August 28, 2006

9/11 Redux

This week's column echoes an earlier blog exploring 9/11 conspiracy theorists. Which I thought were a fringe group when I wrote it.

But according to a new poll, 36 percent of Americans believe federal government officials may have assisted in the 9/11 attacks or intentionally failed to prevent them so the United States could go to war in the Middle East.

In other words, more than one-third of this country is completely, hopelessly, O.J.-jury nuts.


Anonymous said...

Since I believe that >75% of American citizens are really fucking stupid, I'm surprised that the number of conspiracy wackos isn't higher.

TPerl said...

They must all watch "24".

Anonymous said...

This column is a wonderful way to disguise true identity as a CIA agent doubling as a reporter. But the conspiracy buffs are onto you. Abort mission! Abort mission!

(I wonder what portion of that 36 percent also believed Saddam was responsible for 9/11)

eddie spaghetti said...

being a borderline wacko myself, and a big fan of 24, I find myself watching those videos and thinking hmmmmm. but my problem is that I don't know to trust their primary facts, like when a plane hits the ground at full speed, it has never disintegrated, ever, except for the pentagon and wtc. is that true? hell, i don't know. maybe it happens all the time. I liked the Loose Change video. it didn't convince me, but it made me stop outright dismissing it with ridicule.
actually, the thing that almost aroused my suspision was the video they released to the networks proving a plane flew into the pentagon. that was like, wahhh???
"did you see that tailflap?"
I've seen jesus in a bowl of oatmeal clearer than that.
hope all is well with you in the ny area.

D. Bones said...

Howdy, soon-to-be-daddy-spaghetti. I'd been meaning to give you a blog shout-out. Congrats.

But assuming you are not so wacko that you dismiss any actual evidence or anything offered by the 1,000s of journalists and government workers investigating 9/11 as part of the conspiracy, this should set you on the right side of that borderline:

It's a Popular Mechanics article debunking the biggest myths of 9/11. If you read this and still wonder if our government is so competent as to perpetrate mass murder in perfect secrecy, then maybe you should go back to Myanmar and teach them how to make macrame pez dispensers.

eddie spaghetti said...

thanks for setting me straight on that. I had just stumbled onto Loose Change the day before I posted on your blog. PM had a great podcast that satisfied my curiosity.

I go back to my original position. I don't believe in conspiracies. They're all made up by the government.