Monday, December 12, 2005

Siskel And Ebert...And The Asshole

Check out Siskel and Ebert share the love while fiming a promo. Until next time, the balcony is full of simmering rage.


Anonymous said...

I think this is enough evidence to open an investigation into the death of Gene Siskel. Maybe Ebert sat on Siskel and crushed him to death. With all the fancy DNA technology these days, I bet CSI could find tiny elements of Ebert's ass on Siskel's corpse. "Dig him up!" "Dig him up!"

D. Bones said...

The funny thing is how reverent Ebert is today whenever speaking of his late, bald partner. Could very well be part of his OJ-like coverup, while he continues to look for the real killer at the bottom of a jumbo tub of buttered popcorn.