Friday, January 16, 2009

Magnus, Thor and Jens

A wondrous collection of Swedish dance band pics from the 70s, courtesy of T.B. Chief. Who are you to resist mustachioed men with hockey hair in matching sequined jump suits revealing their chests?


Anonymous said...

Hey Hey!!!! Does this qualify me as a "contributor"?

I'm so excited that if I were on that David Lee Roth soundboard right now, I'd be hitting the "WOOOOOOHOOOO" button.

- chief

D. Bones said...

You get a guest credit/shout out. But to be a full contributor, you'll need to first bring me four of the following six items: Lance Armstrong's "other" testicle, an original LP pressing of Neil Young's "Time Fades Away," the secret of Nicholas Cage's career longevity, the current location of Ken Scheir, J. Edgar Hoover's favorite dress and a hot plate of Kraft macaroni and cheese. I'm hungry.

Anonymous said...

i have a faint memory of reading somewhere that a famous hollywood actress (forgot who) said that nicholas cage has the most beautiful naked body of anyone in hollywood. so i dunno - maybe it's his personal longevity that exlpains his career's longevity.

sorry, can't help u with the other 5 items.

but, i can provide some more interesting crap for ya - go back to the swedish dance bands site. scroll all the way to bottom. (no, do not stop and look at tellus' frontman andreas.) no, keep scrolling all the way down. then click on the "Push It" picture. Then scroll down and click on the art of Li Wei.

Anonymous said...

I sthis a connor family portrait?