Friday, September 01, 2006


I'm not gonna bother with a full recap of last night's MTV Video Music Awards, assuming most of you out there aren't 12 years old and infatuated with Fall Out Boy and My Chemical Romance (neither of which I'd even heard about before yesterday).

Instead, I offer this handy list (complete with YouTube evidence) of Cracked's "Five Most Absurd Moments in VMA History." It's not exactly complete, and it sure doesn't go back far enough (who the hell was really taping the show in 1986?). And it neglects Axl Rose's supposed "Guns 'N Roses" comeback from a couple of years ago when he showed up looking like Manhattan plastic surgery cat-lady Jocelyn Wildenstein and playing with a dude whose head was covered by a KFC bucket.

But it's entertaining. Far more entertaining than anything I fast-forwarded through last night.


Anonymous said...

That's Mr. Buckethead to you, old-timer...

TPerl said...

I never thought I'd actually long for the days of Arsenio (whoo! whoo! whoo!) as host.