Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Oops, I Federlined Again

If you needed documented evidence to take your hatred of Britney Spears to Def-Con 2, then by all means, tune in to her new reality show: "Britney and Kevin: Chaotic" on UPN.

Remember all those home movies you took when you first got your video camera? Remember that buddy of yours who loved to swing the camera around wildly on her own face to inject her commentary after every forced laugh? Remember the almost quaint, staged "rawness" of Madonna: Truth or Dare? Remember why no one ever sits down to watch home movies?

Actually, this show does hold some curiosity value for those of us comforted by extreme close-ups revealing every splotch or nasty pore on the face of America's sex symbol. Or to see how eager she is to smoke on camera and brag about having sex three times in one day (heaven's to Betsy!).

I'm not sure if I'm gonna hang in with this one. Well...maybe at least until she starts in with the Cheeze Doodles...

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