Wednesday, April 09, 2008


By Arielle

I'm glad as anyone that Patrick Swayze is responding well to his chemotherapy. But isn't this headline a

People Exclusive
Patrick Swayze 'Thrilled' by His Response to Cancer Treatment
By Mike Fleeman and Julie Jordan
Originally posted Tuesday April 08, 2008 02:30 PM EDT

1 comment:

TPerl said...

Well, wasn't his original prognosis that he should be dead by, now? So I'd be thrilled too if I was still alive after being given a death sentence.

But I'm suprised you or Bones didn't focus on the third paragraph of the article:

"Also, we can't help but feel that all the prayers, meditations and good thoughts sent his way by everyone has made a difference. Thank you!" said the couple.

Yes - you're so lucky to be a celebrity and get all those extra cancer-killing prayers while us common folk will only ever get a few dozen, if we're lucky.

Ya know, sometimes I wish I was a famous cancer patient. That would be thrilling indeed.