Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Oops, I Sculpted Again

A pro-life monument to birth in Brooklyn features a nude Britney Spears on a bearskin rug while giving birth to her firstborn.

Is there anything I could say here funnier than that sentence?


Anonymous said...

Holy crap! It is just me or is anyone else having trouble figuring out how a married woman of prime birthing age with more than enough money to take care of the child can be considered brave? I'm also guessing that the Pro-Life folks are only interested in protecting the "child's" life while in the womb because racing away from the Paparazzi in your behemoth SUV with your new born sitting on your lap doesn't exactly seem like the ideal model behavior.

Anonymous said...

I'm having trouble figuring out how that sculpture can be an ad for anything other than birth control.